A decade of action
Do you have a sustainability agenda? Five years ago world leaders agreed on a common purpose: to make our planet more habitable. In 2020, the governments commit again setting a target in 2030. We have ten years in front of us to change the world. The Decade of Action campaign sets an ambitious global effort to deliver the promise. It is crucial that individuals, businesses and governments need to take part.
We have to act now.
According to the UN Report COVID-19 has been a major obstacle. Pushing 70 million people will fall back into extreme poverty due to the pandemic. Over 1 billion people do not have access to running water, adequate housing or basic sanitation. Employment rates will drop and education differences will increase. Most importantly, climate change is not solved.
On the other hand, some progress was also done. For example child healthcare has improve. In addition, access to electricity has increased as well as women representation in politics.
At Decarb we acknowledge where we are, but we are confident that we can act and have an impact. We can help you to set your sustainability agenda.
New generations of scientists, entrepreneurs and politicans are incorporating sustainability in every form. Some cities like Copenhagen plan to be carbon neutral by 2025. Citizens are starting to act, asking politicians and gloal leaders to act.
But, what are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) exactly? How can we join the fight? We are going to answer these questions and include some actions you can do to contribute.ç
Sustainability Agenda and development goals

# SDG1 End poverty
It is the first time that poverty has increased globally in thirty years, since 1990, caused by COVID-19. Buy and invest in local companies and producers to help them create and maintain jobs. Help and share, donate what you do not use to charities.
# SDG2 Zero Hunger
Preventing waste at home helps make production and trade more balanced. In addition, you can collaborate with food banks and NGOs that support the ones in need.
# SDG3 Health and well-being
Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages is key. The imporance of vaccines and personal behaviour contributes to improving general public health.
# SDG4 Quality education
We all have something to teach, whether in our environment or in other places. Volunteer education programs make a big difference in the future generations.
# SDG5 Gender equality
Reporting any sign of harassment or inequality contributes to eradicating this problem. Educating our children in equal rights, obligations and opportunities is the foundation.
# SDG6 Clean water and sanitation
Worldwide, one in three people do not have access to safe drinking water. Two out of five people do not have a basic hand-washing facility with soap and water. More than 673 million people still practice open defecation. At home we can avoid wasting water: short showers, turn off the taps, use eco programs in our appliances…
# SDG7 Affordable and non-polluting energy
First, favor clean and sustainable energies such as solar or wind. Take care of the state of our devices to avoid leaks and polluting emissions. Turn off lights and electrical appliances whenever we can.
# SDG8 Decent work and economic growth
Undertaking and helping entrepreneurs. Favor companies that follow respectful human resources policies and that protect human rights.
# SDG9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Promote and consume sustainable products. Request a public and green infrastructures. Avoid and polluting industries and favor their transformation towards a greener future.
# SDG10 Reduction of inequalities
Make sure everyone has access to the same opportunities and rights. Talk about it with your friends, colleagues and family.
# SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities
Walk, cycle or use public transport whenever possible. Plant flowers in our window and take care of the parks and gardens around us.
# SDG12 Responsible production and consumption
Be smart about your consumption. For instance, buy only what you need and more importantly products that will last. Reduce meat consumption (whose production is one of the greatest GHG contributors).
# SDG13 Climate action
Identify and try to measure our personal carbon footprint (what we eat, where we move, what we buy …). This is our focus here at Decarb, we can help with your sustainability agenda!
# SDG14 Underwater life
Enjoy the sea with respect by: First, avoid plastics of any kind, that can end up in the ocean. Second, do not use synthetic clothes, as 35% of primary microplastics come from the washing. And third, avoid car and promote other transportations as 28% of microplastics come from tyres. (source: European Parliament)
# SDG15 Life of terrestrial ecosystems
Protect and respect nature. Support government and local initiatives that protect biodiversity. Enjoy and share your love for nature. Take part in volunteer ranger brigades and in cleaning activities.
# SDG16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
Conflict, weak institutions and lack of justice are a great threat to sustainable development. Contribute to the maintenance of institutions and compliance with the rules.
# SDG17 Partnerships to achieve the goals
Urge your politicans and governments to act. And show your support to private companies that are supporting this goals. Ask the brands you love to act. Here at Decarb we are always trying to collaborate on initiatives that promote the SDGs. We focus on climate change.
Use the #globalgoals hashtag to share your ideas and initiatives. Create with us your sustainability agenda.
We are all invited and we can all make change possible.
More information:
- More about the Decade of Action.
- If you want to find out how your country is doing: SDG Index
- Some good news: China pledges to become carbon neutral by 2060